Techsmith Camtasia Module
Interactive Image (Created with H5P)
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Interactive Text (Created with HTML)
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
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<div class="container">
<h4>Learn About Bloom's Taxonomy </h4>
<p> <style="line-height: 1.5;">This is a helpful instructional design framework for aligning learning objectives in a hierarchy of increasing complexity. Each box represents a level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Click on a level to see a brief description.</p>
<div class="taxonomy">
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Remembering', 'Recalling facts and basic concepts.')">1. Remembering</div>
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Understanding', 'Explaining ideas or concepts.')">2. Understanding</div>
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Applying', 'Using information in new situations.')">3. Applying</div>
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Analyzing', 'Breaking information into parts to explore relationships.')">4. Analyzing</div>
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Evaluating', 'Justifying a decision or course of action.')">5. Evaluating</div>
<div class="level" onclick="showDescription('Creating', 'Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things.')">6. Creating</div>
<div id="description">Click on a level to see details.</div> </div>
function showDescription(title, text) { document.getElementById('description').innerHTML = `<h3>${title}</h3><p>${text}</p>`;}
Technical/Academic Writing
Other Instructional Design Capabilities
ID Process
- Storyboarding
- LMS Administration
- Project Management
- User/Pilot Testing
- User Progress/Assessment Data Analysis and Reporting
- ADDIE, SAM, Agile, and mixed ID methodologies
- Articulate 360, Storyline, Rise, and Review
- Techsmith SnagIt and Camtasia
- Vyond and other animation apps
- Adobe Captivate and Creative Cloud apps
- Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet, and other virtual collaboration apps
- Sharepoint, Google Drive, Files, intranets, and other doc repositories
- Blackboard, Canvas, Canva, Moodle, Litmos, Cornerstone, and other LMSs